8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations The Limpopo Gambling Board recognises the essential role that compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements plays in the governance and sustainability of its business. The Compliance function lies in both the Chief Executive Officer’s office and the Chief Financial Officer’s office. Both offices provided support relating to regulatory reporting obligations to the Entity. The function further provided regulatory updates to employees and Management relating to applicable legislation and changes to legislation. The compliance universe was continually reviewed in collaboration with the Business Units and it ensured that the Entity continued to identify for compliance controls, monitored them and reported on them. 9. Fraud and Corruption The Entity has in place an approved Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy for the purposes of combating the risks of fraud and corruption. All fraud related matters were monitored by the Risk and Fraud Management Committee. The Entity has a zero-tolerance stance on Fraud and Corruption and further ensured that planned mitigations of identified fraud risks were implemented throughout the organisation.

Whistle Blowing

The Entity has a Whistle Blowing Policy in place which is aligned to the Protected Disclosure Act. No 26 of 2000, which allowed officials to make factual confidential disclosures about fraud and corruption they might be aware of. Staff members were continuously encouraged to report any suspected allegations of fraud and corruption through the National Fraud Hotline (0800 701 701).

There were no cases of fraud and corruption reported during the financial year.

10. Minimising Conflict of Interest

a) The Human Resources Unit issued a circular (done annually) to remind officials to disclose their business interests. b) The Senior Managers completed financial disclosure forms which were submitted to the Executive Authority. c) Suppliers were required to complete an SBD4 for declaration of interest purposes, prior to engagement of business activities with LGB and the centralised supplier database (CSD), introduced by National Treasury, and also assisted in minimising the risk of disloyal suppliers. 11. Code of Conduct The growth and success of the gambling industry in the Limpopo Province is dependent on public confidence and trust that it is conducted honestly. The Entity provided further guidance to its members and employees to assist them in gaining a clear picture of the behaviour expected in the execution of their various functions. These standards applied to all members and employees of the Entity, as well as consultants engaged by the Entity.



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