1. Ask God for direction about what Small Group to lead and who to invite 2. Once you decide on a topic or activity for your group, choose a place and time to meet 3. We will register your Small Group in the online Small Groups Directory at www.christianfamilychurch.co.za so people can find it and email you to attend your Group. Please respond quickly 4. Invite people you know or meet, to come check out your Group 5. Pray for God to do great things through your Small Group 6. Don’t give up too soon. Use your faith even if it takes a year to build up… God is faithful Preparing for your Small Group meetings: • Send a message to Group members reminding them about the first meeting • Arrive early to set up a welcoming environment • Consider having nametags available to help everyone learn names for the first few weeks 1. Ask God for direction about what Small Gr up to lea and who to invite 2. Once you decide on a t pic or activity for your group, choose a place and time to meet 3. We will r gister your Small Group in the online Small Groups Di ectory at www.christianfamily urch.co.za s p ople can find it and email you o attend your Group. Plea e respond quickly 4. Invite p ople you know or meet, to com check t your Group 5. Pray f r Go to do great things through your Small Group 6. Don’t give up t soon. Use your faith even if it t kes year to b ild up… God is aithful Preparing f r your Small Group meetings: • Send a message t Group m mb rs reminding them about the first meeting • Arrive early o set up a welcomi g e viro ment • Consider having n met gs vailable to help everyone le rn names for the irst f w weeks
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