63 % * Decrease in crack depth. 1

97 % * Improvement in foot condition.

100 % ** Pleasant texture. 1


* Percentage of participants that showed improvements. ** Percentage of participants with a positive response.

Urea Isdin • An active molecule that penetrates the skin’s layers, stimulating physiological regeneration mechanisms. • Moisturising and exfoliating effects. • Stimulates formation of the skin barrier, reinforcing the skin’s immune system. • Promotes collagen synthesis. ®

Wash your feet once a day, with antiseptic acidic soap (pH 5.5) and warm water. • Dry them carefully, especially between the toes. • Keep foot skin well moisturised. Heels are the area of the feet which need the most hydration. • To avoid cracks due to dryness, apply a moisturising product with Urea, adapted to the condition of your feet. Trim your toenails straight and not too short. It is advisable to file them. • See a specialist if you have any pain, redness, itching between your toes, flaking, etc. • Basic foot care recommendations

Using a moisturising product with Urea Isdin promotes adequate foot hydration and prevents appearance of roughness, thickening or cracks. ®

References: 1. Dermscan study. EvaluaƟon on subjects, of the repairing effect of a cosmeƟc product on cracked heels. Report #08E5336, October 31, 2008. 2. PRC Study. EvaluaƟon, on subjects, of the 24 hours moisturizing effect of Ureadin® Podos a�er a single applicaƟon. Report 1441-079.08. Data on file. 3. PRC Study. Test consumidor Ureadin® Podos Reparador Talones y Pies Isdin R1441.031.01 vs. Producto N pies secos y estropeados. Report 2664-08. Data on file. 4. PRC Study. Test consumidor Ureadin® Podos Reparador Talones y Pies Isdin R1441.027.01 vs. Producto S talones agrietados. Report 2663-08. Data on file. 5. Zalacaín, A. Estudio piloto para valorar la eficacia y tolerabilidad de una crema con urea específica para la hiperqueratosis del talón. Data on file. Distributed by: Glenmark PharmaceuƟcals South Africa (Pty) Ltd. First floor, Block A, 34 Monte Carlo Crescent, Kyalami Park, Midrand, 1684. Tel: (011) 564 3900. | ISDINPOD07/2020

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