Inseta Graduations


The University of KwaZulu-Natal in partnership with The Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority’s (INSETA) held their Leadership Development Programme (LDP) virtual Graduation.Ceremony in honour of the class of 2020. This occasion demonstrates the working partnership between SETAs and institutions of Higher learning. I applaud this partnership between the INSETA and the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. It is the kind of collaboration we want to see. The Leadership Development Programme (LDP) was a six- month short course delivered by the University of KwaZulu- Natal’s Graduate School of Business and Leadership (GSB&L) in partnership with the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority’s (INSETA). The programme was designed to build capacity and to address the leadership skills shortage in the Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) and Community Education Training (CET) sectors. These sectors have the potential to address the skills shortage in South Africa and thus require managers and leaders who not only have the vision, but the necessary knowledge and skills to strengthen these sectors. The course thus targeted managers and emerging managers. It aimed to develop their management and leadership knowledge and skills to enable them to manage more effectively and to provide the leadership required in the sector. This course provided ‘just in time’ and ‘just enough’ learning to meet specific needs in the workplace environment and ensured that employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to function efficiently in management and leadership positions. The purpose of this short course was to develop leaders and managers who are currently

managing others, have the potential to manage others, or who wish to grow and develop their management abilities in the TVET and CET sectors. It provided delegates with knowledge and skills of leadership and management theories and approaches and focuses on developing effective leadership and management skills. The programme targeted a broad spectrum of delegates in terms of age, race, gender, qualifications, and work experience working as lecturers and or managers in the TVET and CET sector interested in furthering their careers in this sector. Ms Gugu Mkhize could not stress what an honor and privilege it was to attend and address the graduates as they celebrated the achievements of the 2020 LDP Due to the pandemic, the course was offered via a virtual platform from September 2020 and ended in January 2021, when delegates were expected to submit portfolios of evidence. It was pleasing to note that of the 50 delegates initially enrolled, 39 received certificates of competency during this graduation ceremony, while 11 received certificates of attendance. Graduates indicated that the programme enhanced their leadership and management skills as required by the sector. To complement the views from delegates were the programme evaluation reports from the facilitators and INSETA colleagues, who all expressed positive sentiments regarding the programme. These sentiments were further acknowledged by the external moderator of portfolios of evidence submitted for evaluation.

We wish these graduates everything of the best.


MAY - JUNE 2021


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