INSETA Alert Level 4 restrictions to continue until 25 July 2021. NO MASK ENTRY! EMPOWERED TO INFLUENCE AND INSPIRE!
President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on 15 June 2021 that Adjusted Alert Level 4 will be in place from 28 June 2021 to 11 July 2021. He then announced on 11 July 2021 that the country will go into an extended Alert level 4 until 25 July 2021. Restrictions continue to come amid the third wave of Covid-19 infections hitting the country. kindly take note of the following INSETA measures: 1. I NSETA will be migrating from the previously implemented Alert Level 3 rotational remote work to Alert Level 4 remote working which will be restricted to very limited skeleton staff at the office over the next 14 days. Our availability to our stakeholders and to the team is crucial during this period and communication lines open will be open (mobile phones & emails) 2. T he reception area shall remain open for the delivery and collection of documents and responding to calls. 4. A ll face-to-face meetings with both internal and external stakeholders, will be rescheduled to take place virtually and prior notification of cancellation or rescheduling will be done to ensure effective management of stakeholder relations. 5. Masks will be compulsory when at the Inseta office.
Progress on the Inseta MIS, Development and Implementation
approved. Efforts have been made to ensure that by the time the six months contract extension expires at the end of November 2021, the new MIS system is ready to GO LIVE. For this reason, the user acceptance testing (UAT), training and support will take place later this year and further communication will be sent to stakeholders in due time. INSETA management and the new MIS service provider remain committed to ensuring that a fully functional new MIS system is developed and maintained in line with its business objectives. We look forward to launching the new MIS system.
On the 25th of February 2021, INSETA communicated to the stakeholders that a service provider had been appointed to develop a new MIS System and provide maintenance and support thereafter. The initially intended GO LIVE date of the new MIS System were the 1st of June 2021 but this deadline could not be met. Upon commencement of the project, the appointed service provider encountered significant technical challenges beyond control and as a result. The anticipated period of completion was amended to an additional six (6) months, the new GO LIVE date will be 1 December 2021. As an interim measure and to also avoid disruptions to INSETA’s business operations, an extension of the current MIS service provider’s contract for six months was
For any question or queries, stakeholders may contact INSETA on the email:
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