
Strategy to overcome areas of under-performance The areas of under-performance where actions can be taken by the GPW include debtors’ days and turnover ratio.

Changes to planned targets The targets for turnaround times of monthly and quarterly ½ nancial management and performance reports were split to distinguish between the two types of reports with 10 day turnaround time for ½ nancial reports and 30 days for performance reports. Finance branch targets were revised to re ¾ ect the information contained in the updated budget. Previous targets were based on the 2011 budget.This resulted in the change in target from 29 percent operating cost as percentage of revenue to 24.6 percent and from 30 percent gross pro ½ t margin to 27 percent.

Human resources and transformation business unit Purpose: To create and sustain an environment to unleash human potential and making differences in people’s lives.

Strategic objectives per annual performance plan: Human resources staf ½ ng plan – develop and implement a human resources staf ½ ng plan; Training and development plan – develop and implement a training and development plan; Special remuneration dispensation – design and negotiate a special remuneration dispensation; and Human resources policies and procedures – develop and implement GPW-speci ½ c human resources policies and procedures Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements: The human resources and transformation business unit was able to achieve all the targets set for the 2012/13 ½ nancial year, with the exception of the targets of implementation of the migration plan, the ½ lling of all identi ½ ed senior management posts, and to have an approved and implemented GPW special remuneration dispensation, which were all partially achieved. Comments on deviations from targets are provided in the table below, which also indicates the various actions completed by the business unit in the said areas of performance. It is anticipated that the ½ lling of the senior management posts, as well as the ½ nalisation of the migration process, will be completed early in 2013/2014 as progress is in an advanced stage. A major achievement was the completion and approval of the human resources plan and the human resources development plan, demonstrating the business unit’s contribution to providing quality human resources in order to enable the GPW to achieve its objectives. The human resources unit continues to perform in the area of training and skills transfer, where the targets for training partnerships and training days were exceeded.



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