125 year anniversary
Branch operations and production
Deviation from planned
Actual achievement 2012/13
Actual achievement 2011/12
Comment on deviations
Planned target 2012/13
Performance indicator
target to actual achievement for 2012/13
Equipment replacement ratio
30 new equipment items procured according to recapitalisation plan
10 items of equipment procured according to recapitalisation plan
9 items of equipment procured according to recapitalisation plan
One less item of equipment was procured than originally anticipated
One less item was procured due to re-prioritisation. The focus of procurement was shifted to the implementation of the smartcard (national identity document). Due to the high pro ½ le and risk of the Smartcard project, resources were dedicated to ensure timeous completion of this project. The process has now been successfully concluded and production equipment not procured during 2012/13 will be included in the 2013/14 equipment replacement programme. Spoilage emanates from regular production operations Daily quantities of identity documents received from Department of Home Affairs vary.The GPW’s ½ xed resources cannot always cope with these ¾ uctuations The reason for the 0.6% increase in spoilage was due to technical problems experienced during personalisation process
Identity documents produced according to quality and delivery
99.96% of identity documents produced conformed to speci ½ cations and identity documents delivered at an average turnaround time of 3.3 days
100% of Identity documents produced must conform to the clients speci ½ cations
99,95% of the 1,995,421 identity documents
The low percentage of
spoilage (0.05%) is in line with the previous years. 902 identity documents were spoiled. The 3.3 days actual turnaround time is slightly above the target of 3 days but in line with the actual performance of the previous year The 2.8% spoilage reported is a slight deviation from the previous reported spoilage of 2.2% but still within the acceptable international benchmark of 3%.
conformed to speci ½ cations
Identity documents delivered at a turnaround time of 3 days
Identity documents delivered at an average (slightly higher than targeted) turnaround time of 3.3 days 17 606 (2.8)% spoiled passports emanating from the 627,152 booklets personalised
Quantity of passports spoiled during booklet personalization
2.2% spoiled passports emanating from booklets personalised
Maintain or reduce spoilage
percentage at 3% of total production
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