Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
Reasons for
None None
The budget allocated to the sub-programme of R693 675 million has enabled the sub-programme to achieve some of the planned targets. The budget allocation was, however, not sufficient to enable the sub-programme to provide all the necessary interventions required to the SMMEs and Co operatives with access to credit and adequate infrastructure. This has also restricted the sub-programme to assist enterprises in other sectors, and thus constrained service delivery. There is a need for this sub-programme to be prioritised in terms of funding since it is in the coalface of service delivery. Sub-programme expenditure Sub- Programme Enterprise Development 2022/2023 2023/2024 Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure Final Appropriation Total 776 197 775 019 1 178 693 675 691 662 2 013 Strategy to overcome areas of under performance None Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022 Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023 Planned Annual Target 2023/2024 **Actual Achievement 2023/2024 Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2023/2024 Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Black empowered companies participating in the green economy Number of black empowered companies participating in the green economy 4 Black empowered companies participating in green economy 4 Black empowered companies participating in green economy supported 4 Black empowered companies participating in green economy 4 Black empowered companies participating in green economy supported Actual (Over)/Under Expenditure R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Expenditure
Performance in relation to Standardised Outputs and Output Indicators for Sectors with Concurrent Functions The standardised outputs and output indicators for sectors such as the green economy, agriculture and forestry, mining and tourism were prioritised, included in the Annual Performance Plan and reported on in the Annual Report. Sub-Programme: Economic Empowerment Outcome Output Output Indicator
58 Linking performance with budgets
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