Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


None None

None None


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024


Achievement 2023/2024

15 Hair Salons

supported with equipment

10 Youth funded

SMMEs admitted

into a learnership and trained on

Basic Business


skills in Nkangala attended by

youth from all Districts}


Annual Target 2023/2024

15 Hair Salons

supported with Equipment’s

10 SMMEs

funded through

Premiers youth development

fund assisted with non financial

support to

sustain their


Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023

New indicator 15 Hair Salons received

support on skills development

through key


were placed

through a business skills programme

in the Gert Sibande District



Performance 2021/2022

New Indicator 45 Start-up SMMEs

Sub-Programme: Enterprise Development Outcome Output Output Indicator Number of Hair Salons supported to access skills


the business


Number of

start-up SMMEs per District

supported to scale their

business ideas into start-up


through a

business skills

and mentorship program in


with the private sector

**Actual achievement reported in relation to the performance information reflected in the re-tabled Annual Performance Plan. NB: The reason why the number of SMME under waste and Agro processing counted as 2 instead of 3 is that 2 services have been provided to the same SMMEs, for example, machinery has been provided in the 2nd quarter and the very same SMMEs provided with after care service during the 3rd and 4th quarter. The second discrepancy is that we did not report in the 3rd quarter about the SMMEs under manufacturing and spaza shops who were supposed to have received machinery and tools of trade in the 2nd Quarter. We only reported on the 3rd quarter planned target.


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