Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
Batho Pele arrangements with beneficiaries (Consultation access, etc.)
Current/actual arrangements
Desired arrangements
Actual achievements
Regular engagements were conducted in an endeavour to understand stakeholder needs and expectations from the following structures: Provincial Batho Pele Forum; National Consumer Regulators; National Consumer Protection Bodies; Provincial Civic Organisations and NGOs;
To conduct regular engagements in an endeavour to understand stakeholder needs and expectations from the following structures: National Consumer Regulators; National Consumer Protection Bodies; Provincial Civic Organisations and NGOs;
Regular engagements were conducted in an endeavour to understand stakeholder needs and expectations from the following structures: National Consumer Regulators; National Consumer Protection Bodies; Provincial Civic Organisations and NGOs; Tribal Authorities; Media Houses;
Tribal Authorities; Media Houses; and Members of the public.
Tribal Authorities; Media Houses; and Members of the public.
Members of the public; and SMMEs and Cooperatives.
Service delivery information tool
Current/actual information tools Desired information tools
Actual achievements
555 consumer education and awareness campaigns conducted.
Conduct 520 consumer education and awareness campaigns.
531 consumer education and awareness campaigns conducted
Complaints mechanism
Current/actual complaints mechanism
Desired complaints mechanism Actual achievements
To acknowledge receipt of complaints in a professional manner, within 5 working days, and a full written response provided within 10 working days of receiving the complaint.
We will acknowledge receipt of complaints, in a professional manner, within 5 working days, and a full written response provided within 10 working days of receiving the complaint.
There were no complaints directed to the Department, except for the consumer cases handled.
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