Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Legislative Mandate


National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act 59 of 2003)

To provide for the coordination of concurrent national and provincial legislative competencies over matters relating to casinos, racing, gambling and wagering, and to provide for the continued regulation of these matters; and To ensure that the Mpumalanga Gambling Act is aligned to national norms and standards established in terms of the National Gambling Act To promote a fair, accessible and sustainable marketplace for consumer products; To establish national norms and standards relating to consumer protection; To establish and manage the Office of Investigation of Unfair Business Practices, whose function is to receive, investigate and resolve complaints of unfair business practices; and To establish the Consumer Court which adjudicates on matters of alleged unfair business practices To consolidate and amend certain laws in force in the Province regarding the licensing and carrying on of business To provide for small businesses to enter the economic frame; To create a conducive environment for the promotion, support and development of small businesses in the Province; and To ensure municipalities comply with prescripts of the Acts To provide for the empowerment of the black-owned companies to enter the mainstream economy; To ensure black-owned companies have access to opportunities in the mainstream economy in an effort to transform the economy and reduce inequality; and To ensure that the necessary support is provided to black enterprises, including targeted groups (women, youth and people living with disabilities) to enable them to successfully compete for opportunities in the economy

Mpumalanga Consumer Affairs Act, 1998 (Act 6 of 1998)

Mpumalanga Business Act, 1996 (Act 2 of 1996) National Small Business Enabling Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996)

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act 53 of 2003)

National Credit Act, 2005 (Act 34 of 2005) Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999)

To promote a fair and non-discriminatory marketplace for access to consumer credit

To promote sound financial management in the public sector; To ensure every employee of the Department is enjoined that no fruitless/irregular expenditure occurs within the area of responsibility

Public Service Act, 1994 (Act 103 of 1994) Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act 75 of 1997)

To regulate the public service in the country

To create a framework for employer-employee relations


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