Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Furthermore, a plan to operationalise the Mpumalanga International Fresh Produce Market was developed by MEGA and the Department. The Department is currently collaborating with the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs, the City of Mbombela and the Ehlanzeni District Municipality, to ensure that the operationalisation of the Market is successful. We are also in process of roping in private sector fresh produce market agents, commercial farmers and commodity groups to participate in the operationalisation of the project. The implementation of the operationalisation plan would commence as soon as the required approval from the Executive Council is obtained.

Infrastructure projects



Final Appropriation R’000

Actual Expenditure R’000

(Over)/Under Expenditure R’000

Final Appropriation R’000

Actual Expenditure R’000

(Over)/Under Expenditure R’000

New and replacement assets Existing infrastructure assets Upgrades and additions Rehabilitation, renovations and refurbishments Maintenance and repairs Infrastructure

531 657

2 921

422 068

420 055

528 736

2 013






transfer Current Capital

17 286 531 657 548 943

13 236 528 736 541 972

4 050 2 921 6 971

18 054 422 068 440 122

15 889 420 055 435 944

2 165 2 013 4 178



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