Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
8. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 8.1 Capital investment, maintenance and asset management plan The overall progress at the 52 000 square metres Mpumalanga International Fresh Produce Market, currently under construction in Mbombela, is at 97%. Below is progress, per building (in percentage), as at 31 March 2024: Detailed Information for the project
% Progress 31/3/2023
% Progress 31/3/2024
Staging and Clearance
74 63 55 89 61 47 88 61 92 79 87 94 82 91 94 94 89 65 80
98 98 93 97 97 97 95 98 97 96 97 98 98 93 97 96 97 98
Gate House Entrance/Access Control
Gate House Egress
Staging Bus rank
Ticket office and Ablutions Pedestrian Access and Bridge
Waste Management / Recycle
Market Building (including Administration Facilities)
Agro-Processing Building
Taxi rank
Taxi Stop Ablutions
Council Substation
Pallet Store
Waste collection point for Council
Overall progress 97 Currently, the following aspects are receiving attention, as per the critical path, to ensure the targeted project completion date is achieved: Completion of remedial work, as well as outstanding works relating to Phase 1 of the project (Contractor issued with an instruction to proceed with the works); Wetland rehabilitation and related works project (as per the Environment Impact Assessment report) (Contractor issued with an instruction to proceed with works); Payment of bulk contribution fees due to the City of Mbombela (updated Invoice received from the City). The current projected completion date of the infrastructure at the Market site has been adjusted to June 2024. In terms of the budget, it is critical to report that the payment of the bulk contribution fees due to the City of Mbombela amount to R96, 963, 590.24 (VAT included), and this and other pending variation orders has increased the overall project cost from R1, 654, 951, 000.00 reported previously to R1, 915, 308, 000.00. This means an approximate amount of R288, 000, 000.00 must be allocated to complete the project in the 2023-2024 financial year.
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