Annual Report 2023-2024
Resolution No.
Resolved (Yes/No)
Response by the department
• The estimated value of work also guides in terms of the functionality criteria where the quality of the project is derived from. Evaluation is done in accordance with all prescripts and the highest scoring bidder (total of price and preference points) unless where objective criteria is applied; • In cases where a competitive negotiation procedure is the procurement method the Department can negotiate to obtain the “best suitable solution” for the required service or works • In terms where a sole provider of works and or services will be applicable a negotiated procedure shall be implemented for the best value for money to be achieved. Management should ensure that the Department comply with all applicable laws and regulations, when in the process of procurement so to make sure that all regulatory requirements are adhered to. • All submissions made to the BAC for adjudication (transaction above R2 million) is not accepted unless a probity report is attached. The probity report must not note any findings; • A vetting process is undertaken for all projects presented to the BAC to ensure confirm the tax status of the service provider, as well as CSD registration amongst others; • For the quotation process (values above R2 000 up to R1 million) the relevant manager, who approves the transaction, must ensure at least three quotes are attached. • Officials in SCM only accepts requests for emergency procurement must have approval from the accounting officer before proceeding with the procurement. The Emergency Procurement Policy is followed in cases of emergency procurement. That the Department must provide the Committee with a progress report detailing the effectiveness of the following AGSA recommendation: That management must ensure compliance with the applicable laws and regulations during the competitive bidding. • All transactions above R1 million follow the competitive bidding process unless in urgent or emergency cases; • The framework panel which will be utilised for emergency procurement as well; • For all construction projects the minimum CIDB level and grading is indicated in all invitation to tender; • Probity auditors are involved in the bid specification and evaluation process to ensure compliance to all prescripts;
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