Annual Report 2023-2024
The Standing Committee on Public Account (SCOPA) Report on the Auditor-General’s Report on the financial year statements and performance information of the DID for the year ended 31 March 2023.
Resolution No.
Resolved (Yes/No)
Response by the department
Progress report detailing the effectiveness of the internal control measures.
Response to SCOPA Resolutions emanating from the report of the Auditor General to the Gauteng legislature on the financial statements of Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development for the year ended 31 March 2022
The Department must provide the Committee with a progress report detailing the effectiveness of the following AGSA recommendation and provide a quarterly progress report continuing up until completion thereof. The following are the measures put in place to ensure compliance to all relevant prescripts: • All revised polices and newly-issued prescripts by national and provincial treasury, as well as CIDB are disseminated among SCM staff; • The SCM office hold information sharing sessions on a regular basis; • All projects above R2 million both during specification and evaluation processes are subjected to probity auditors process for compliance and quality check; • Findings raised in the probity audit report for bid specification and evaluation meetings must be cleared prior to presentation to BAC. A final probity is presented to the BAC; and • An Emergency Procurement Policy had been approved in 3rd Quarter of 2022/23 financial year place to regulate the process to be followed in terms of emergency procurement. The Department must provide the Committee with a progress report detailing the effectiveness of the following AGSA recommendations regarding controls put in place to ensure the resources of state utilised economically: The below will apply to mitigate risk cost versus benefit. • In the planning phase of all the capital project a cost breakdown (BOQ) is determined to get the best estimated value for the project to be undertaken; • The estimated value is used as a benchmark to invite all contractors that are allowed to work to the value of this estimate or higher. This is to ensure the contractor can undertake work to be done. In addition, it ensures value for money;
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