Annual Report 2023-2024

2.3 Organisational environment The province has over the past few years been plagued by an inability to complete projects within budget and on time. This left the province littered with incomplete and abandoned infrastructure projects, costing millions of rands, and providing no benefit to the people of the province. In efforts to recognise and acknowledge this challenge, the provincial government, back in 2022, made a commitment that in the next two years, the Gauteng government will prioritise completing incomplete infrastructure projects and the acceleration of the completion of new infrastructure projects across all regions. To accomplish this, DID was tasked to coordinate and lead a war room which brought critical role players to deal with project inefficiencies, delivery and to also create partnerships. As a result, during the statutory audit that took place during the 2023/24 financial year, the Department did not receive any material findings on an audit of pre-determined objectives (AOPO). Further, the financial statements were also free from material misstatements. This achievement is attributed to the control measures that have been put in place to drive accountability and ensure that the unqualified audit finding of the previous financial year is maintained. 2.4 Key policy developments and legislative changes The departmental policies undergo scheduled reviews every three years or as necessitated by amendments, and legislative updates are promptly enacted as required. During the review period, there have been no substantial alterations observed in the pertinent policies or legislation affecting our department’s operations. The Department is committed to adhering to the prevailing regulations and policies governing construction infrastructure delivery, employment, property management, and procurement, and this commitment remains unwavering. 3. ACHIEVEMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL IMPACTS AND OUTCOMES The primary mandate of the department revolves around its responsibility to act as a custodian of immovable assets that vest with the GPG in terms of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act (2007) (GIAM). The DID acts as the manager of the full lifecycle of all fixed property owned by the Gauteng Provincial Government, as the sole public infrastructure delivery department in the province and the provincial coordinator of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). Outcome: Optimised-public owned fixed property portfolio: In fulfilment of its mandate, the Department remains committed to benefit the people of the province by the acquisition, development, operating and maintaining, and disposing of public-owned fixed property in a manner that contributes to spatial and socio-economic transformation. This is seen through continuous compliance in ensuring that immovable assets are verified in the asset register, municipal rates and taxes paid, and revenue collected. This, among other achievements, include the release of properties for socio economic purposes and providing facilities to user-departments through leasing. Outcome: Efficient and effective delivery of smart public infrastructure: During the current political term, the Department has completed a total of 91 infrastructure projects. Of those, 56 were on behalf of the Department of Education, 18 for Health and 17 other departments. Highpoints were seen in the delivery of the new Bramfischerville Primary School, five community libraries and three clinics at Finetown, Dewagensdrift and Greenspark. Other key projects included the demolition and construction of the Noordgesig Primary School and new primary school constructed in Tembisa, the construction of the new Early Childhood Development centre, namely, Devon/Impumelelo ECD, which some people call the John Jangaiso ECD. A sports facility under the name, Operation Mabaleng was also one of important projects completed on behalf of the Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation. The Department continues to recognise the need to still be steadfast in efforts towards reaching outcomes set in the National Development Plan. It is for this



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