Annual Report 2023-2024
Batho Pele arrangements with beneficiaries (Consultation access, etc.)
Current/actual arrangements
Desired arrangements
Actual achievements
Clients complaining about the vague process on leasing the government properties. Client’s access DID information through walk-ins, telephonic and e-mail correspondence.
Ensure the leasing process is simplified so that it can be user- friendly for clients. Process duly communicated to citizens / clients.
To eliminate the unclear process of leasing, the department has taken a decision to advertise GPG-owned properties through an open tender process.
Service delivery information tool Current/actual information tools Desired information tools
Actual achievements
Information available on Departmental Intranet or website and social media.
Conduct roadshows to Gauteng communities on the process of leasing government properties at least once a year. Information provided on social platforms is monitored and reported on.
The Department has established different media platforms to communicate the departmental initiatives on infrastructure such as X (formally known as Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, including the engagements with communities, PSP, contractors, other provincial and local entities, and other stakeholders.
Complaints mechanism Current/actual complaints mechanism
Desired complaints mechanism Actual achievements
The majority of complaints are received through the Customer Relations Management System hosted by the Office of the Premier (OoP).
A Customer Relations Management System hosted directly by the Department.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been entered into with OoP on the management of complaints. Complaints Management representatives identified for each branch. During the period under review, DID received a total number of 41 cases.. Of the 41 cases, 68% (28) pertained to the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP), 22% (9) related to Property Management, 8% (3) were for Education, and lastly 2% (1) related to Health. Of the total complaints received, 76% (31) were resolved and 10 are still pending. Of the pending cases, 6 are related to Property Management and Education (3), as well as Health (1).
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