Annual Report 2022-2023

Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements

During the reporting period 2022/23 financial year, the Department, through its EPWP branch, continues to coordinate relevant sectors reporting on EPWP to improve the reporting on public bodies. The Department through the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (NDPWI) utilises the ERS – which is an electronic system for capturing and reporting EPWP data. As an implementing Public Body, the Department aimed to create 2 500 work opportunities in the 2022/23 financial year. However, a total of 2 398 work opportunities were recorded against the target of 2 500, representing a 96% achievement. The Department set a target of 22 for the number of Public Bodies reporting on EPWP targets in the province and the 22 was achieved as planned. Gauteng Online also contributed to the EPWP Infrastructure Sector by reporting five (5) work opportunities, even though it is not an EPWP implementing Department. Through the projects active during the year under review, there were skills development programmes relating to various training and employment of EPWP participants. On the creation of work opportunities, the province managed to record a total of 80 528 work opportunities. This is represented by 33 211 work opportunities in Provincial Departments and 47 317 work opportunities for Municipalities.



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