Annual Report 2022-2023

Linking Performance With Budgets

The Department’s report on how expenditure contributed to achievement of outputs. For the year under review, Public Works Infrastructure has spent about 98% of the budget allocation.

Sub-Pprogramme Expenditure



Actual Expenditure

Actual Expenditure

Final Appropriation

(Over)/Under Expenditure

Final Appropriation

(Over)/Under Expenditure

Sub-Programme Name







Construction Maintenance

227 965 700 036

227 576 692 190


225 347 666 095

196 170 673 474

29 177 (7 379)

7 846

Immovable Asset Management

1 798 376

1 750 796

47 580

1 760 144

1 760 131



2 726 377

2 670 562

55 815

2 651 586

2 629 775

21 811

Strategy to Overcome Areas of Underperformance

As part of the strategies to address underperformance, particularly the completion of infrastructure projects outside the stipulated timeframe, the department is continuously engaging with the stakeholders, i.e., Health, Education and STARS, to emphasise the importance of not amending the projects’ scope, as this requires additional work, which ultimately impacts on the completion of projects on time. The challenges of poor performance of contractors are also being addressed by the termination of contracts and issuing of warning letters. The oversight visits by the executive management have been introduced as part of the plan to improve performance, speed-up infrastructure delivery, and address any challenges that might arise during the projects’ construction. The illegal occupation of government properties is dealt with through legal processes, which include eviction notices.

Performance in Relation to Standardised Outputs and Output Indicators for Sectors with Concurrent Functions

During the 2022/23 financial year, there were no standardised indicators.

4.3. Programme 3: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)

The purpose of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is to coordinate the implementation of programmes and strategies that lead to the development and empowerment of communities and develop strategies to promote enterprise development. This encompasses the provincial coordination of the EPWP. The EPWP is a nation-wide programme aimed at the reorientation of the public sector spending in favour of projects that create more work opportunities. Provincial departments and municipalities are, therefore, required to assume responsibility of planning, design, and implementation of job creation initiatives within their departments and municipalities. Reporting of job creation on the EPWP reporting system and all budgetary and project management principles therefore remains the responsibility of each reporting body.

List of institutional outcomes that Programme 3 contributes towards: Outcome 5: Poverty relief and improved employability of programme beneficiaries



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