Annual Report 2022-2023
maintenance and estate management services provided for shared offices, the Premier’s residence and offices used by the DID itself. The Department also uses immovable assets for its own functioning. The Programme is also responsible for managing the immovable assets of the GPG as the provincial custodian. It manages and plans for effective and efficient utilisation of immovable assets, management of leases, estates, and payment of creditors for allocated areas, management of acquisition and disposal of immovable properties, and facilitation of property development.
The Public Works Programme covers the work of the following sub-programmes: Sub-programme Purpose Heath Infrastructure,
To provide infrastructure planning, design and construction management, maintenance, and technical support services for health facilities in the province.
Maintenance and Technical Portfolio Support Branch
Education and General Provincial Government Building Infrastructure, Maintenance and Technical Portfolio Support Branch Property Management Chief Directorate
To provide infrastructure planning, design and construction management, maintenance, and technical support services for education; sports, arts, culture, and recreation; roads and transport; agriculture and rural development; social development and the DID’s facilities in the province. To manage the property portfolio of the province; to establish and manage the provincial strategic and infrastructure plan; to provide accommodation for all provincial departments and other institutions; to acquire and dispose of accommodation in terms of the plan and in terms of the Land Administration Acts, 1998, which entails: • Acquiring and disposal of properties; • Lease administration; • Revenue generation; • Management of the asset registers; • Monitor the utilisation of Provincial Government facilities; and • Management of payment of all utilities. To manage infrastructure research, longer-term Infrastructure planning and projects, programme and portfolio management of systems and standards.
Infrastructure Research, Policy, and Systems
List of institutional outcomes that Programme 2 contributes towards: Outcome 1: Optimised public-owned fixed property portfolio Outcome 2: Efficient and effective delivery of SMART public infrastructure
Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements
Through the above outcomes on property optimisation and the efficient and effective public infrastructure delivery, the Department contributes positively to social and economic development. This is crucial as the achievement of targets can be viewed through the lens of delivering social and economic justice to our people. The Department, through its mandate, places an emphasis on the implementation of infrastructure and maintenance projects on behalf of all Gauteng Provincial Government Departments. Maintenance projects include assessments, routine and planned maintenance, renovations, refurbishments, and upgrades. The department prides itself on its capabilities in delivering modern and state-of-the-art infrastructure projects and appropriately managing the asset register.
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