Annual Report 2022-2023
Linking performance with budgets
The Department report on how expenditure contributed to the achievement of outputs. Programme 1 consists mainly of procurement targets as set in the annual performance plan. The annual performance plan has shown an improvement in procurement spending on firms owned by blacks, women, and small, medium, and micro enterprises.
Sub-programme expenditure
Actual Expenditure
Final Appropriation
Actual Expenditure
(Over)/Under Expenditure
Final Appropriation
(Over)/Under Expenditure
Sub-Programme Name
MEC Office
13 239
11 864
1 375
12 862
12 747
Corporate Support
454 939
426 762
28 177
400 964
377 430
23 534
Management of the Department
11 060
9 763
1 297
16 833
13 464
3 370
479 238
448 389
30 849
430 659
403 641
27 018
Strategy to overcome areas of underperformance
The Department’s Supply Chain Management directorate is working to ensure that procurement for the targeted group and enterprises is prioritised through the maintenance panel and through the quotation process and that the groups and enterprises fall within this category. To maintain the favourable audit findings, the Department has established governance structures such as the AG War Room that sits weekly to address all matters related to the financial and non financial audit performance are resolved prior the actual audit. This structure is also tasked with the responsibility to identify and prevent any risks associated with the audit processes and outcomes.
Performance in relation to Standardised Outputs and Output Indicators for Sectors with Concurrent Functions
During the 2022/23 financial year, there were no Standardised indicators.
4.2. Programme 2: Public Works
The purpose of the Public Works Programme is to provide the core services that are mandated to the Department. This includes planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects, the implementation of maintenance projects, property management (immovable asset management) and facilities management, and the provision of infrastructure research, policy, and systems. Within the GPG, the DID has been delegated by EXCO as the sole implementer of infrastructure and maintenance projects on behalf of all GPG departments. Maintenance projects include renovations, refurbishments, and upgrades. In the case of the Gauteng Department of Health, it also includes the implementation of day-to-day, routine/preventative and emergency maintenance at all health facilities in the province, except for Jubilee Hospital and Odi Hospital that are maintained by the provincial Department of Health.
The DID manages the construction procurement projects for provincial departments and issues framework/term contracts for day-to-day, routine/preventative maintenance when required, for all provincial departments. This also includes the
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