Annual Report 2022-2023
The department plans to supply, install, and commission smart electricity meters configured on an online platform to add value in the correction of billing, as well as opportunities for energy savings. The smart meter installations are intended to cover hospitals, schools, libraries, laundries, and offices across the Gauteng province. GPG buildings must meet compliance with the regulations set out by the Department of Minerals and Energy (DMRE). This project seeks to supply physical EPCs for applicable buildings and schools to comply with the regulations, thus, avoiding penalties. Three EPCs have been issued, with more in the pipeline. The energy rating of a building allows for measures to be put in place to further improve energy consumption. Compliance with the requirements must be achieved, therefore more budget is required. Green Star-rated buildings are estimated to use 66% less energy (electricity) and 51% less water than average buildings; these savings will benefit the departments as the certified buildings will pay less for utilities. The project is being implemented at four (4) buildings. Green Star Audits, Surveys and Measurements have been completed, which involve auditing the indoor air quality, lighting comfort, thermal comfort, occupant surveys, daylight, and views.
The completed projects have demonstrated value in promoting the Green Agenda and resulted in job opportunities being created. They have created a solid baseline for further upscaling with a suitable procurement process.
Supply Chain Management
• Unsolicited bid proposals concluded for the year under review There had been no unsolicited bid proposals concluded in the 2022/2023 Financial Year.
• SCM processes and systems are in place to prevent irregular expenditure All tenders that are above R2 million will undergo probity auditing, as to enhance compliance to all legislative prescripts and processes, in the attempt to prevent irregular expenditure. All findings raised by probity auditors must be dealt with and cleared by Bid Specification or Evaluation Committee before proceeding to the next phase of the acquisition process. With regards to tenders that are classified as emergency projects, the projects will still be subjected to the bid committees: Bid Specification Committee, Bid Evaluation Committee and Bid Adjudication Committee. This will ensure that the necessary SCM processes, as well as prescripts are followed. However, the committees with be cognisant of the time to process tenders, the processing must be shorter than normal bid processes. The framework panel that had been advertised for CIDB level 6 to 9 various disciplines is currently under evaluation. The framework will assist in time reduction to appoint a supplier; however, the tenders will still go the normal bid committee’s route. Further to this, the SCM Policy had been updated to the process that should be followed should a tender be regarded as an emergency; this increases the prevention of irregular expenditure. • Challenges experienced in SCM, and the resolutions made The following are challenges regarding non achievement of targets for military veterans and PWD • Limited responses from this groups on tender adverts • Where there are responses, such do not meet set criteria • There is also a limited number of companies owned by this groups on our maintenance panel • Gifts and donations received in kind from non-related parties The management of gifts and donations is administered by Directorate: Risk Management. It is the responsibility of the officials to ensure that all gifts and donations received are disclosed in the gift register. Through an inspection of the register, the Department has noted that no one has received gifts and donations during the year 2022/23.
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