Annual Report 2022-2023

Health Maintenance Programme: The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) jointly with the Gauteng Department of Health (DoH) are implementing the EPWP Health Maintenance Programme across three (3) Metropolitans and two (2) District Municipalities within Gauteng. This is expected to benefit 1 230 participants across the five corridors of the province to do garden maintenance and cleaning administration blocks for a period of 12 months. The programme will have special emphasis on the targeted groups of women, youth and people with disabilities, including adults. This programme aims to draw significant numbers of unemployed persons into productive work.

The objectives of this programme are: • To create sustainable labour-intensive work opportunities; • To create work opportunities for unskilled and unemployed youth;

• To meet the DID objectives of sustaining employment opportunities and contributing to the eradication of poverty; • To increase the employability and self-sustainability of young people by providing them with skills, whilst gaining work experience and exposure in the working environment; • Provide garden maintenance and cleaning of administrative facilities within health institutions; and • Instil a sense of pride and ownership in the community by providing a safe and clean environment.

To this effect, the Department has allocated a budget of R52 million for the year 2023/24.

Vacant Land and Facilities Maintenance: The programme will be manually and physically clearing of provincially owned vacant sites and properties whose grounds and offices will be maintained through utilising the surrounding communities as labour. The programme will be implemented as of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and be spearheaded by the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development as a contribution towards poverty eradication and job creation. The objective of this programme is to provide a cost-effective, labour-intensive method of routine site maintenance of the provincial vacant sites or other duties as determined from time to time by the Head of Department: Infrastructure Development or his/her duly appointed designee in a sustainable manner. The targeted groups for this programme are women, youth, and people with disabilities, including adults. Budget allocation for this programme is R43 million in the year 2023/24. The Department, in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders and business may arrange both accredited and non accredited training for the participants, including but not limited to the following: a) T echnical skills (use of equipment and site clearance techniques); b) Grass cutting; c) Basic safety matters; d) First aid; e) B asic Life skills (financial, health and hygiene, HIV/Aids, sexual reproduction, etc); f) Social development skills; and g) How to identify indigenous trees and alien plants. Green Technology: Supply and install of solar PV and battery storage energy systems for GPG facilities - the outcome of this project is to enable GPG facilities to benefit from a backup source of power in response to the energy crisis faced by the province. The final construction will require approximately R20 million, with more job opportunities expected. To address the energy crisis for 2023/2024 to ease and provide alternative energy supply to 50 GPP facilities, R276 million is required to support schools, health facilities, and GPG offices. The Department’s facilities generate both general and hazardous waste, the department plans to collect both the general and hazardous waste in 20 facilities. This involves waste not collected by the local authority. Total amount of waste to be collected is about 2 047,5 kg (2.01 tons).



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