Department of Infrastructure Development Annual Report 2021-2022

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 | 2022



Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the department 13 Filling of vacant positions

a. Interviews were conducted on the 6 December 2021. b. The recommended candidates attended the required Competency Assessment on 10 and 13 December 2021. c. The profiles of the recommended candidates have been sent to State Security Agency (SSA) for the compulsory security clearance which has to be submitted prior to appointment.

d. The security clearance process takes between 2 to 5 months to be finalised depending on the SSA capacity. e. The Department has requested that SSA prioritises this particular request so that the post can be filled by 31 March 2022. Please refer to the attached Audit Action Plan, Annexure B.

The IT Disaster Recovery plan has been implemented as part of the SITA SLA. The Disaster Recovery testing sessions are conducted twice per annum as per stipulations in the SLA. An SLA with e-Gov and SITA is in place and approved.

Please refer to the attached Audit Action Plan, Annexure B.

Please refer to the attached Audit Improvement Plan, Annexure C.

That the Department must provide the Committee with plans to fill the position of the Chief Financial Officer and

progress made by 31

January 2022 and quarterly until the finalisation thereof.

The Department must

provide an update on its

IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) considerations as

part of the BCP based on

a business impact analysis by 31 January 2022. This

must be accompanied by an indication if the SLA

with e-Gov and SITA has

been finalized, approved, and signed.

That the Department

must submit its Audit

Action Plan indicating

each area of finding by

the AGSA in the 2020/21 financial year; plans to address the area of

findings; and timeframes

for implementation by 31 January 2022.

16 That the Department must submit progress made in

the implementation of its audit action plan by 31

January 2022 and every

quarter thereafter until all resolutions are resolved.

17 That the Department must submit its assessment of

the implications of its audit action plans to the current

(2021/22) financial year 31 January 2022.

14 ICT Disaster

Recovery Plan

15 Audit Action Plans



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