Department of Infrastructure Development Annual Report 2021-2022
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 | 2022
Section 6 of the DID 21/22 APP identifies risks and mitigation strategies as they relate to the outcomes, outputs and targets in APP, and these are then translated into various risk management plans and registers (strategic, operational, fraud and project). UPDATED KEY RISKS: Outcome Key Risks Risk Mitigation 1. Optimised public-owned fixed property portfolio • Failure to structure and adequately resource the property management function. • Lack of private sector partnerships / support to implement precincts projects. • Failure to secure development rights for GPG properties. • Inaccurate IAR, hampering decision making. • Ongoing non-submission of U-AMPs by GPG departments. • Invasions, land grabs and vandalism. • Poor projects, construction and contracts management. • Increasing costs and slow revenue growth. • Revised, approved and capacitated structure. • PPP processes / partnership agreements. • Regularisation of GPG property. • Processes and resources in place to ensure well maintained, accurate IAR. • Constant engagements with user departments. • Responsiveness, collaboration with Community Safety. • IDMS implementation. • Property optimisation and commercialisation strategy successfully implemented. • Enabler Work Stream(s): • Reform of land and property management delivery model. 2. Efficient and effective delivery of smart public infrastructure
• Infrastructure procurement processes and capabilities.
• Fast-track the delivery of large-scale Green Agenda projects.
• Exco approved funding model and plan implemented. • Establish the capacity and capabilities to deliver quality infrastructure on
time - skills, tools of trade and systems / processes.
• Single point of responsibility in project management value chain implemented, and improved monitoring and accountability mechanisms.
• Community involvement, improved communication (consultation).
• Project partnerships (consultation, joint planning) and approved GPG project pipeline. Enabler Work Stream(s): • Funding Model.
Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the department
• Insufficient funding. • Inadequate capacity / resources to deliver at required rate. • Poor project and quality management processes. • Project disruptions.
• Delays in the approval of infrastructure projects.
8 Indicate if the plan in 7. Is included in the 2021/22
Annual Performance Plan of the department, by
extracting that section and presenting it in this report. Where the plan is not
included in the 2021/22
APP of the department,
please provide reasons why it is as such.
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