• The interventionist value of the programmes places at its centre a voluntary Behaviour Risk Management Assessment approach.

Achievements Performance Management and Development Systems – •

Successfully implemented a new policy complemented by the successful rollout of e-PMDS. The implementation of the e-PDMS has served to increase the line managers and employees’ independence and control in management of their performance. This in turn has freed Human Resources to focus on playing an advisory role, provision of ongoing training and support. • Reposition of the role of Management’s role and ownership of performance appraisal management of their employees, with the support and facilitation (where required) by Human Resource. Recruitment and selection – • The overall vacancy rate in the Department was constantly kept in the single digit, throughout the year in question. Employee Wellness Programme – • Reprioritised training of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee on various training programmes to equip them in the execution of the responsibilities, specifically following the Bank of Lisbon fire, and • The continuous expansion and ease of access of service provided by the programme. Challenges: Training and development: • Opportunity costs for lack of or least development of the required competencies to deliver on the mandate of the Department. Recruitment and selection: • The failure to timeously obtain the approval to fill vacant posts, at the various stages of recruitment value chain; • The Budget Committee not active in playing its role in the management of the prioritisation and filling of active and vacant posts; • Financial constraints as directed by Finance; and • Lack of an Office building: ◊ The lack of an Office building for the Department has resulted in far less than desirable levels of employees, reporting for duty, imposition of an additional dynamic for managers to contend with in managing their staff and this has impacted the Departmental performance severely.

G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 83

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