Devia- tion from planned target to Actual Achieve- ment 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2016/2017
Actual Achievement 2017/2018
Actual Achievement 2018/2019
Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Comment on devia- tions
Planned Target 2019/2020
Performance Indicator
Percentage of succes- sion claims/ disputes processed.
100% of complaints received were resolved. The one complaint AmaNdebele a Moletlane was respond- ed to within the stipulated timeframe. New Indica- tor. received from the
100% of traditional leadership complaints resolved within 90 days after date of re- ceipt.
100% of succession claims/ disputes received and processed.
100% of succession claims/ disputes received and processed.
100% of succession claims/ disputes re- ceived and processed.
Number of initiation schools complying with the
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
10 Initia - tions schools complying with the National Initi - ation schools’ guidelines.
83 Initiation schools complied with the guidelines.
73 Ad- ditional Initiation schools complied with the National Initiation schools’ guidelines.
In- creased monitor- ing was done by munici- palities hence the in - crease in compli- ance by initiation schools.
National Initi - ation schools’ guidelines.
Number of awareness campaigns conducted in traditional communities to sensitise vulnerable groups on their Rights. Number of tradition - al leaders supported to participate in municipal councils.
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
4 Awareness campaigns conducted in traditional communities to sensitize vulnerable groups on their Rights. 2 Tradition - al leaders supported to participate in municipal councils.
4 Aware- ness
campaigns conducted in tradition - al commu-
nities to sensitise
vulnerable groups on their Rights. 2 Traditional leaders sup- ported to participate in municipal councils.
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 59
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