Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020 The Depart - ment could not finalise the arrange - ments in time for the transfer of funds to the Implement- ing Agent ERWAT.

Planned Target 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2016/2017

Actual Achievement 2017/2018

Actual Achievement 2018/2019

Actual Achievement 2019/2020

Performance Indicator

Comment on deviations

Number of munic- ipalities supported with repairs and main- tenance on sewer pump stations.

New Indica- tor.

New Indica- tor.

New Indica- tor.

1 Mu- nicipality

0 Munic- ipalities supported with repairs and main- tenance on sewer pump stations.

Project to be funded through RBIG allo-

(Emfuleni) supported with repairs and main- tenance on sewer pump stations.

cation from Department of Water and

Sanitation in the new financial year.

Programme / Sub-programme: ENERGY OFFICE

Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020 2477 Additional connections were com- pleted.

Actual Achieve- ment 2019/2020 9477 Household connec- tions com - pleted.

Planned Target 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2016/2017

Actual Achievement 2017/2018

Actual Achievement 2018/2019

Performance Indicator

Comment on deviations

Number of indigent households with access to basic electricity services.

New indica- tor.

New indica- tor.

New Indica- tor.

7000 Indigent

Municipal- ities used their own money to accelerate the projects due to the demand re- ceived from the public. Municipal- ities used their own money to accelerate the projects due to the demand re- ceived from the public.

households with access to basic electricity.

Number of Informal Settlements supported with electrifi - cation.

New indica- tor.

New indica- tor.

10 Informal Settlements supported with elec - trification readiness.

10 Infor- mal Set- tlements electrified.

23 Informal Settle - ments were elec- trified.

13 Addition - al informal settlements were electri- fied.

Number of Implemen- tation Plans developed for The Gauteng En- ergy Security Strategy.

New indica- tor.

New indica- tor.

New Indica- tor.

1 Imple- mentation Plan for the Gaut - eng Energy Security strategy developed.

1 Imple- mentation Plan for the Gaut - eng Energy Security strategy developed.



G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 54

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