Strategy to overcome areas of under performance • The Department will include a clause in the recruitment advertisement – stating “preference” for female candidates. TheDepartment will create awareness&access, and provide the available work opportunities to people with disabilities. Advertise positions in organisations which specialise in recruiting for people with disabilities. •
following reasons. The Department was allocated the former Office of the Premier building for office accommodation. The said building was availed for occupation on or before the end of July 2019, however due to compliance issues, the Department could not occupy; as a result, R4 000 000 could not be spent on office partitioning, and about R500 000 budgeted for cleaning and maintenance could not be spent as planned. Moreover, legal costs were estimated based on previous and periodic events, which most did not materialize. The result was that an amount of R1 000 000 was saved on legal expenses. The Department did not pay any bonuses, progression increases, or similar benefits to senior managers, this and few vacancies resulted in under expenditure of R7 000 000. These significant savings and other minor savings like traveling, stationery, bursaries, and accommodation resulted in a total savings of R16 000 000 reflected above. This, under expenditure, did not affect the performance of the programme materially.
Changes to planned targets There were no changes to planned targets.
Linking performance with budgets The programme was allocated a total budget of R143 956 000, of which R127 934 000 was spent. This represents an average of 89% of the total budget allocated. The remaining 11% or R16 022 000 could not be spent primarily because of the
Sub-programme expenditure
Actual Expenditure
Actual Expenditure
Final Appropriation
(Over)/Under Expenditure
Final Appropriation
(Over)/Under Expenditure
Local Governance
Office of the MEC
3 354
3 053
4 387
3 698
Corporate Services
127 856
108 771
19 085
139 569
124 236
15 333
131 210
111 824
19 386
143 956
127 934
16 022
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 31
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