Performance indicators

Programme / Sub-programme: HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT

Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020

Planned Target 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2016/2017

Actual Achievement 2017/2018

Actual Achievement 2018/2019

Performance Indicator

Comment on deviations

Percentage of Employment Equity target reached for women in SMS positions.

35% of employed women in SMS positions.

40% women in SMS positions.

45% women in SMS positions.

40% women in SMS positions.

33% of women employed in SMS positions.

7% of women in SMS

The Department reviewed its strategy and subsequently embarked on a process to review its organisational structure hence the delay in the filling of SMS positions. The Department had difficulty in attracting people with disabilities, in the open recruitment market who present with the requisite competencies.

positions were not recruited.

Percentage of Employment Equity target reached for people with disabilities.

1.4% of employed people with disabilities.

1.4% people with disabilities.

1.5% people with disabilities.

2% people with disabilities.

1.6% of employed people with disabilities.

0.4% of employed people with disabilities

were not recruited.


Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for 2019/2020

Planned Target 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2019/2020

Actual Achievement 2018/2019

Comment on deviations

Strategic objectives

Resourceful and effective departmental

3 Activities undertaken to

2 Activities undertaken to

2 Activities undertaken to



reduce financial and non-financial risk exposure in the Department.

reduce financial and non-financial risk exposure in the Department.

reduce financial and non-financial risk exposure in the Department.

finance and governance support services.

G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 28

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