end of the performance year, preparatory work was underway to prepare the building for occupation. The lack of suitable accommodation has had negative impact on the effective performance of various units of the Department. In the performance year the Department began to pilot a different service delivery approach or model, whereby a regional based approach is used as a form of service delivery vehicle. This meant pulling to pieces the former silo approach on service delivery towards a collaborative delivery approach.
Consequently, this challenged the norm and created anxiousness amongst employees. The Department had to carefully navigate through such anxieties and this will overflow to the new performance year, until stability is realised. 2.4 Key policy developments and legislative changes There were no policy developments and legislative changes.
NDP Chapter
National Outcome
TMR Pillar
CoGTA Response
Chapter 3: Economy and employment
Implementation of public employment programmes.
NO 4: Decent employment through inclusive growth. Sub 3: Reduce youth unemployment Sub 7: Implementation of public works programmes. NO 6, An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure framework, Sub 2 & 4: Bulk infrastructure, Sub 6: Communication and information technology. NO 3: All people of South Africa feel and are safe.
Transformation of the State and Governance Improve Cooperative governance of the state: Eliminate wastage and contain costs.
Community Work Programme.
Chapter 4: Economic Infrastructure
Adequate supplies of services such as water and electricity.
Transformation of the State and Governance.
Support municipalities with bulk infrastructure plans.
Chapter 5: Environmental sustainability and resilience. Chapter 9: Transforming Human Settlements Chapter 13: Building a capable and developmental state
Improved disaster preparedness for extreme climate events. Incentives for citizen activity for local planning and development of spatial compacts.
Transformation of the State and Governance.
1 Provincial Disaster Management Centre. 5 Municipal Disaster Centres. Roll out of the ABCD approach in order to increase participation of citizens in Local Government. Build the capacity of municipalities and other stakeholders on IDP public participation and Ward Committee training.
NO 8: Human and Community Development.
Transformation of the State and Governance.
Mainstreaming citizen participation.
NO 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities and food security for all Sub 5: Enabling institutional
Transformation of the State and Governance.
environment for sustainable and inclusive growth.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 26
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