Table 3.11.2 Details of Health Promotion and HIV/AIDS Programmes (tick the applicable boxes and provide the required information)
Details, if yes
1 Has the department designated a member of the SMS to implement the provisions contained in Part VI E of Chapter 1 of the Public Service Regulations, 2001? If so, provide her/ his name and position. 2 Does the department have a dedicated unit or has it designated specific staff members to promote the health and well-being of your employees? If so, indicate the number of employees who are involved in this task and the annual budget that is available for this purpose. 3 Has the department introduced an Employee Assistance or Health Promotion Programme for your employees? If so, indicate the key elements/services of this Programme.
Director: Human Capital Management
The Employee Health and Wellness Programme (EHWP) consists of 4 employees with a budget of R1,136,156.84
The Employee Health and Wellness Programme (EHWP) is guided by four Pillars. The following services are provided 1) HIV & AIDS Management, which focuses on HIV prevention, 2) Health and Productivity Management, which includes employees on long-term incapacity leave, 3) Wellness Management that includes counselling and health promotion, 4) SHERQ, which includes Occupational Health and Safety within the workplace. The Department has the following committees in place: OHS Committee and, Wellness & Peer Educators Committee. The committee consists of the following members: Mr. S Ratau (16.2 and Director: Facilities Management) Ms. C Steenkamp (EHWP), Mr. V. Tonga (EHWP), Ms. P Tibini (EHWP), Ms. M Molewa (OHS Officer), Ms. I Mchalla (Policy & Research), Ms. J Johannes (Finance), Mr. C Nkuna (HCM), Ms. P Vilakazi (Municipal Finance), Ms. A Rautenbach (Facilities), Ms. L Kesten (Facilities), Mr. D Mahlangu (Facilities), Ms. C Tlala (Disaster Management), Ms. B Lisa (Disaster Management), Ms. M Mashaba ( Facilities), Ms. A Sehoole (Risk Management), Ms. N Monama (Municipal Finance Support), Ms. I Sehunoe (IT), Mr. S Ngcobo (Risk Management), Mr. N Tshobeka (Facilities), Mr. P Komane (Cooperative Governance), Mr. T Maimela (Knowledge &Info. Management), Mr. A Ndaba (HCM), Mr P.Ndaba (Facilities), Mr D. Lentswane (HCM), Ms D. Kirsten (HCM), Ms I. Maluleke (HCM), Ms S. Witbooi (CDWP), Ms L. Maluleke (Infrastructure Support), Ms T. Lande (CDWP), Mr L. Khauoe (CDWP), Mr L Tsoku (CDWP) .
4 Has the department established (a) committee(s) as contemplated in Part VI E.5 (e) of Chapter 1 of the Public Service Regulations, 2001? If so, please provide the names of the members of the committee and the stakeholder(s) that they represent.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 101
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