CIPC Annual Report V1

Interface was sent to the IP law firms for testing. Parallel to this, the admin staff are undergoing training on the various modules of the IPAS. Increased knowledge and awareness on company and IP laws The IP Education and Awareness Programme is the implementation arm of the CIPC’s function as outlined in the Companies Act (2008, as amended). The CIPC conducts IP education and awareness sessions throughout the country, targeting a wide number of groups. In some instances, the CIPC collaborate with other organisations or is invited to events to present on CIPC IP products and services. • In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CIPC has thus far adapted well to the new ways of working using virtual tools and platforms, to reach IP education and awareness participants. On-line sessions provided opportunity for the CIPC to reach large audiences with ease. • 27 IP education and awareness sessions were held during the year under review. The CIPC is exploring how to reach communities who have limited or no access to virtual platforms. Improved compliance with the company and IP laws To improve compliance with IP laws, the CIPC contribute to legislative review processes, engage with counterparts and collaborate with stakeholders to improve compliance and enforcement of IP rights (IPR), to fight piracy and counterfeiting at a national as well as global scale. The CIPC, through committee participation, training and capacity building, supports law enforcement agencies to conduct raids and confiscate counterfeit goods, and destroy these in an environmentally sustainable way. Creating awareness is also very crucial in the fight against counterfeit goods. During the year under review: • The CIPC participated in the development of the Patents and Designs Bills. Reported progress of the two Bills is in Part B, Section 1.3. • Support to law enforcement included participation in the Africa Regional Pharma Crime (and Other Counterfeits) Working Group, and the Interpol Crime Group. The Africa Regional Pharma Crime (and Other Counterfeits) Working Group is focusing on local counterfeit and illicit trade in pharmaceutical products, and the Interpol Crime Group has a national enforcement focus. Products confiscated included counterfeit 3M protective gear and tablets. • During the Invest SA Conference from 17 to 18 November 2020, we shared information on enforcement of IPR with

to analyse the impact of IP rights registration forming a basis for further IP policy inputs. The programme is also responsible for monitoring the unauthorised use of private and public IP rights, with a particular focus on the protection of IP rights holders in the creative industries. In line with the Covid-19 conditions, a professional webinar environment will be created. This will include various virtual platforms, content development, packaging and delivery accessible anytime. The CIPC will make use of free platforms for the disadvantaged communities. Staff will be trained for

the new way of working. List of sub-programmes 1. Innovation Support and Creativity a) Patents and Designs Register b) Innovation Policy and Outreach

2. Creative Industries

c) Copyright and IP Enforcement d) Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Knowledge The outcomes relating to the Innovation and Creativity Programme are: Outcome 1: Reduced administrative regulatory burden. Strategic objectives: 1.2Timely delivery of all CIPC products and services. Outcome 2: A reputable business regulation and IP protection environment in South Africa. Strategic objectives: 2.1Increased knowledge and awareness on company and IP laws. 2.2Improved compliance with the company and IP laws. Progress towards institutional outcomes and strategic objectives Timely delivery of all CIPC products and services The CIPC’s strategy to ensure timely delivery of its products and services is to modernise its operations and services. In the case of Programme 2: Innovation and Creativity Promotion, this entails automation of end-to-end processes through the IPAS with the assistance of the WIPO. This end to-end automated system aims to make the patent system seamless and encourage improved applications. IPAS training for IP-ICT specialists, and external stakeholder engagement commenced in the fourth quarter of the period under review. • As part of the implementing the implementation of the IPAS, the bulk Upload Module Application Programme



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