CIPC Annual Report V1
Reporting on the institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic This section reflect performance of Covid-19 interventions and highlight achievements of interventions funded through the various relief packages (where applicable). The CIPC did not use relief funds, but internal budget. Table B. 28: Progress on institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic Programme/ sub pro gramme Interven tion Geo Budget spent per inter Contribu tion to the outputs Immedi ate out comes
No. of beneficia ries (where possible)
Disaggre gation of beneficiaries (where pos sible)
Total budget allocation per inter
graphic location (province/ district/ local mu nicipality) (where possible)
vention (R’000)
in the APP (where ap plicable)
vention (R’000)
Service Delivery and Access
BizPortal function ality to register
Easy access Outcome 1 & Outcome 2
companies for essential services On-line bookings to visit SSCs Automated and on-line invoicing Implement the strategy
Service Delivery and Access Service Delivery and Access Telecommut ing Strategy
Pretoria, Durban, and Cape Town
Easy access Outcome 1
Timely service delivery
Outcome 1
Minimise disruption of operations
Outcome 1 & 2
2.2 Programme 2: Innovation and Creativity Promotion The purpose of Programme 2: Innovation and Creativity Promotion is to support and promote local innovation and creativity by maintaining accurate and secure registries of patents, designs, film productions and creative works. This includes maintenance of accurate, up-to date and relevant information concerning companies, foreign companies and other juristic persons contemplated in subsection (1) (a) (ii) of the Companies Act (2008, as amended) and concerning intellectual property rights, and the provision of that information to the public and to other organs of State. IP enforcement includes referring offense to law enforcement agencies such as the National Prosecution Authority (NPA). Under this programme, the CIPC also supervises and regulates the distribution of collected royalty by accredited collecting agencies. In addition, the programme is responsible for providing policy inputs and legal advisory opinion on the coordination, implementation and impact of
the respective IP laws. Furthermore, the group ensures that the implementation of the national IP regime is in alignment with the international IP system. The primary function of the Innovation and Creativity Promotion Programme is to promote and support the registration of it) patents, ii) designs and iii) film productions. The group also registers patent attorneys that have passed the Patent Board Examination. Other functions of the Programme include the coordination of appropriate enforcement actions; education and creating awareness of the requirements and benefits of registration of IP rights, the remedies available and the opportunities for commercialisation and industrial development through efficient management of IP assets. Through this programme, the CIPC also provides policy and legal insights on the implementation and impact of the relevant IP legislation. Thus, additional functions in this programme include in-depth research to identify gaps and
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