CIPC Annual Report V1

2. Performance information by Programme The CIPC is divided into three programmes responsible to carry out its mandate (as outlined in Section 7) and realisation of strategic outcome oriented goals, strategic objectives and targets: • Programme 1: Service Delivery and Access. • Programme 2: Innovation and Creativity. • Programme 3: Business Regulation and Reputation. The CIPC achieved 100% of its ten targets. 2.1 Programme 1: Service Delivery and Access

(ii) Knowledge Centre (iii) Labour Relations and Employee Engagement b) Facilities and Security (i) Facilities (ii) Security (iii) Disclosure c) Service Centres d) Client Engagement and E-communications 3. Finance a) Financial Management b) Treasury c) Supply Chain Management 4. Business Information and Systems a) Chief Technology Officer b) Enterprise Information Management (i) Enterprise Information Management (ii) Information Assurance c) Enterprise Programme Management Office d) ICT Service Delivery (i) Application Management (ii) Infrastructure Management (iii) Process Engineering Institutional outcomes that Programme 1: Service and Access contribute towards are:

The purpose of the Programme 1: Service Delivery and Access is to promote better access to and service delivery by the CIPC, ensuring that our access channels are secure and easily accessible to all, that the institution has sufficient and appropriate organisational resources to deliver the best possible service, and that operational excellence is established in all areas of the organisation. In order to ensure quality service delivery, the CIPC must place focus on its internal performance. The CIPC must act as an intelligent, innovative high-performance organisation in which employee morale and development is emphasised. The emphasis of the CIPC business model is equally on the quality of the services it provides, the acceptable speed with which it delivers them and the value that its products, services and solutions generate for customers. The CIPC’s business model focuses on the manner in which it will deliver services, the quality of those services, the fees it will charge to be sustainable and the potential for value addition.

Outcome 1: Reduced administrative regulatory burden.

Strategic objectives

The following is a list of sub-programmes: 1. Broader Office of the Commissioner a) Advisor to the Commissioner b) Innovation and Collaboration c) Strategy (i) Strategy, Planning and Monitoring (ii) Operational Excellence (iii) Strategic Communications d) Compliance, Governance and Risk e) Internal Audit 2. Corporate Services a) Human Capital (i) Human Capital

1.1.1 24/7 access to all CIPC products and services.

1.1.2 Timely delivery of all CIPC products and services.

1.1.3 An intelligent, innovative and high-performance organisational environment. Outcomes, outputs, output indicators, targets and actual achievement Progress made towards institutional outcomes and strategic objectives 24/7 access to all products and services of the CIPC The CIPC’s strategy to realise this outcome, is the development and expansion of multiple channels to increase access to the CIPC products and services and ease of transacting, as a result



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