CIPC Annual Report V1

1.4 Progress towards achievement of institutional impacts and outcomes

For the five-year strategic period 2019/2020 – 2023/2024, the CIPC will focus on two impact statements and five outcomes as shown below: Table B. 25: Impact statement 1 Outcome 1 Reduced administrative compliance burden for companies and IP owners. Impact statement 1 To create ease, simplicity and flexibility in forming and maintaining companies, as well as protecting intellectual property to reduce the administrative compliance burden for companies and IP owners.

Five-year target

Key capabilities for 24/7 access to all key CIPC products and services developed. 1.1 24/7 access to all CIPC products and services. 1.2 Timely delivery of all CIPC products and services. 1.3 An intelligent, innovative, high performance organisational environment.

Strategic objectives

Progress on five-year target

Multiple channels have been developed. See Part B, Section 1.1. The CIPC continues to implement the Modernisation Strategy through K2. 29% of the CIPC processes have an option to be done electronically. IP applications are processed at an average of three days. Company and co-operative registrations are processes in less than two days. The latest Customer and Stakeholder Survey showed an 80% approval rating. The CIPC continues to modernise internally by automating and digitising internal process. ESS is a digital system for management of leave, salaries, performance management, and subsistence, travel and other payroll claims. Virtual tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams are used for meetings as well as for outreach to customers and stakeholders. The CIPC has adopted and is implementing the Telecommuting Strategy.

Table B. 26: Impact statement 2 Outcome 2

A reputable business regulation and IP protection environment in South Africa. To create ease, simplicity and flexibility in forming and maintaining companies, as well as protecting intellectual property to reduce the administrative compliance burden for companies and IP owners.

Impact statement 2

Five-year target

Key compliance monitoring and enforcement capabilities developed. 1.1 Increased knowledge and awareness on company and IP laws. 1.2 Improved compliance with the company and IP laws.

Strategic objectives

Progress on five-year target

Key capabilities are XBRL for AFS filings and automation of the annual returns filing system. Outreach programmes for SMMEs, institutions of higher learning, and schools have been successful. Average turnaround times have been reduced drastically as shown in Part B, Section 1.1, through automation.



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