CIPC Annual Report V1

Director removal There is an increase in complaints by directors on their removal without their consent. The CIPC is exploring mitigation controls to prevent this conduct. It should be noted that the unlawful removal of directors are often the result of internal disputes within organisations and, therefore, education and awareness around roles and responsibilities of directors is vital. AFS filings Covid-19 affected many companies’ liquidity status and their inability to finalise the preparation of AFS and general legal compliance as prescribed in the Companies Act (2008, as amended) such as through holding Annual General Meetings (AGMs). Companies whose non-compliance arose from financial years prior the Covid-19 pandemic, incorrectly attribute their non-compliance to the pandemic economic situation. This is addressed through investigations, and issuing of compliance notices where it is warranted. 4.11 Audit report matters in the previous year and how would these be addressed There are no audit matters from the previous year as the CIPC received a clean audit. 4.12 Outlook/plans for the future to address financial challenges There are currently no financial challenges facing the organisation in the short to medium-term. The digitisation of the organisation will assist in improving efficiencies, while addressing equitable allocation of human resources. 4.13 Events after the reporting date The Executive Manager: Business Information Systems (commonly referred to as the Chief Information Officer), Mr Phineas Mogale was appointed as from 1 April 2021. 4.14 Economic viability The digitisation of the organisation will assist in improving efficiencies, while addressing equitable allocation of human resources. 4.15 Acknowledgement/s or appreciation I appreciate the commitment and dedication of the CIPC’s executive, senior management and staff who perform their

jobs admirably, thereby contributing to the realisation of our APP, and the delivery of services to the CIPC’s clients. I would also like to thank organised labour for their contribution to the organisation’s effectiveness. Appreciation also goes to the Audit and Risk and IT Committees for their value-add and commitment to governance within the organisation. I thank other committees like the Client Liaison Committee (CLC), IP lawyers’fraternity, the Specialist Committee on Company Law (SCCL), and all collaboration partners for their contribution to the CIPC. Finally, let me extend my appreciation to the Minister of Trade, Industry, and Competition, Mr Ebrahim Patel; the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry, and Competition, Ms Nomalungelo Gina; the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Fikile Majola, and the outgoing Director-General of the dtic , Mr Lionel October, together with all of the dtic for their support. 4.16 Other (information that needs to be communicated to users of AFS) The AFS for the year ending 31 March 2021 are prepared in accordance with South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) and incorporate disclosures in line with the accounting policies of the entity and the requirements of the PFMA (1999, as amended).

_________________ Rory Voller (Adv.)

CIPC Commissioner




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