CIPC Annual Report V1
4.4 Discontinued activities/activities to be discontinued
4.10 Challenges experienced and how these are resolved Covid-19 pandemic and the digital divide The CIPC has adapted well to conditions presented by the Covid-19 pandemic by using its existing IT capabilities and competencies to develop systems to provide Covid-19 specific services, and to implement new ways of working. Telecommuting and offering services through virtual channels have been adopted as new ways of working. There are members of the public who are not able to access the CIPC’s virtual services because of no access to internet services. Although the self-service terminals in partner sites and banks aim to complement access to virtual channels for the CIPC’s products and services, the CIPC is exploring other ways to close this gap. Patents system The CIPC is in the process of deploying a fully-automated Intellectual Property (IP) Administration System with the assistance of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the filing and processing of patent applications to replace the current manual systems. However, the process is tedious and was, somewhat, delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. This end-to-end automated system will make the patent system seamless and encourage particularly local applications. Substantive Search Examination (SSE) The SSE for patents is a process that the CIPC is eager to introduce, once the relevant legislation has been put in place. The necessary software will be acquired to prepare for this new way of examining patent applications. Domain name registration The uptake of domain name registrations through the CIPC’s platforms has been quite low. This is evident of the need to embark on more focused education and awareness on the benefit of a digital presence and the ease through which it can be obtained using the CIPC’s multiple channels. Annual returns Apart from a low-annual return filing rate, there is an issue of incorrect information being provided. A process is underway to address such issues through integrating annual returns filing with the iXBRL process to confirm turnover indicated on AFS before submitting finalising the process.
There were no discontinued activities or to be discontinued.
4.5 New or proposed activities
New services
The Covid-19 pandemic called for the CIPC to develop services to meet new business requirements, namely: • An additional functionality to register and issue certificates for businesses to operate as essential businesses during the national lockdown in the BizPortal platform. • A booking service, which seeks to reduce congestion at the CIPC’s Self-Service Centres (SSCs) by allowing the CIPC’s clients to book visits to SSCs in advance on the CIPC mobile app. 4.6 Requests for roll over of funds No roll over of funds was reported or requested during this period. The entity is self-funded and applies zero-based budgeting. 4.7 Supply Chain Management (SCM) The SCM Unit is located within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), in line with Treasury Regulations and the PFMA (1999, as amended). It is responsible for procurement of goods and services for the CIPC in a fair, equitable, transparent, cost effective and competitive manner. All bids are subject to evaluation and adjudication by the respective bid committees as appointed, and declarations of interest are duly signed during meetings. An approved SCM Policy and Delegations of Authority are in place, and reviewed as necessary. 4.8 All concluded unsolicited bid proposals for the year under review The CIPC had no unsolicited bid proposals for the year under review. 4.9 SCM processes and systems in place The SCM processes and systems are in place. These are reviewed as and when necessary, as per the PFMA (1999, as amended) and Treasury Regulations.
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