CAV Annual Report 2021
Deviation from planned target to actual achievements 2020/21
Actual Achievements 2020/21
Performance Indicator Annual target 2020/21
Number of infrastructure and building projects implemented in accordance with tenant requirements by concluding construction and practical completion of gatehouses and buildings A to E over a period of three (3) years.
Construction and completion of the first gatehouse. The access gate construction will be achieved through the following: • Approval of the geotechnical engineering dolomite stability report by Council of Geo-Sciences (Q1) • Commencement of construction by Jodan Rekopane (JV) (Q1) • Practical Completion by Jodan Rekopane (JV) (Q4) Construction and completion of the second gatehouse. The access gate construction will be achieved through the following: • Commencement of construction by Jodan Rekopane (JV) (Q3)
Not Achieved The report 1 st gatehouse was submitted timeously to CGS. The target for approval by CGS was not achieved in Q1 as planned but achieved within 2020/21FY. Not Achieved The commencement of construction for 1 st gatehouse was not within 2020/21FY. Not Achieved The drawings for 1 st (Aerosud) gatehouse were approved by CoT. The bill of Quantities (BoQ) was sent to the BEWI contractor for pricing. The evaluation of contractor’s BoQ was undertaken and at the end of Q4 the discussions were ongoing to negotiate the price. The contractor will occupy site in Q1 of 2021/22FY. available to construct the CAV (2 nd ) gatehouse. CAV continued regular engagements with both DPWI and DoD (WKFAB) with regard the Power of Attorney that is a requirement for approval of the drawings and township proclamation. Not Achieved The drawings for Park Perimeter Fencing were approved by CoT. The bill of Quantities (BoQ) was sent to the BEWI contractor for pricing. The evaluation of contractor’s BoQ was undertaken and at the end of Q4 the discussions were ongoing to negotiate the price. The contractor will occupy site in Q1 of 2021/22FY. Not Achieved The contractor is readily
Deviation The CGS initially had approval processes delays regarding the nature of the construction site (soil conditions). Deviation The delays resulted from CGS geotechnical approval delays and CoT 1 st gatehouse drawings approval delays Deviation The 1 st gatehouse project was initially delayed due to the Council for Geoscience approval processes regarding the nature of the construction site (soil conditions). Deviation The construction of the 2 nd (CAV) Gatehouse relies on township proclamation. Township Proclamation is currently delayed by the Power of Attorney that is pending from the Department of Public Works & Infrastructure (DPWI). Deviation The fencing project was initially delayed by the CoT drawings approval processes.
• Practical Completion certificate issued by the technical team upon the completion of the works by Jodan Rekopane (JV) (Q4)
Installation of a perimeter fence to secure the industrial park: • Commencement of construction by Jodan Rekopane (Q4) • Practical completion by Jodan Rekopane (JV) (Q4)
Table 1: Annual Performance Reporting
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