The department’s strategic focus in the year ahead will be to engage with the sector, to continue to gather evidence-based research on what skills and occupations are needed. The BANKSETA is engaging with the sector so that the process of upskilling people in their current occupations to what will be needed for the sector to remain competitive. Programme 3: Learning Programmes The key output is to link education and the workplace by providing learnerships. These are provided through the Letsema project for post-matriculants and the Kuyasa project for postgraduates. Kuyasa has two streams: one involves generic management in which learners are groomed as junior managers, while the other is a more specialist programme lasting 12 months and focusing on business analysis. Following the COVID pandemic and the hybrid models it introduced, employers are being encouraged to ensure that mentors engage at least once a week with learners who are working from home. A further challenge is that of human resource capacity. It is expected that the organisational design will result in additional human resources being made available, so that more learnerships can be implemented. PIVOTAL Grant Funding Window: Unemployed (includes employer driven Learnerships, internships, skills programmes, bursaries) and employed Key outputs are that stakeholders obtain skilled employees that pursue life-long learning to skill themselves in various qualifications. Challenges experienced are that non-completion by beneficiaries impact on the BANKSETA targets with DHET. This falls outside of the control of BANKSETA. As a result, BANKSETA underspends on its last tranche payments on the project as funds are written back to the pool of funds because of non completion or underutilisation. To mitigate these challenges, increased engagement has been held with stakeholders to discuss issues, risks and any challenges they might experience. As a result of internal developments, the evaluation process has been shortened significantly compared to the previous year’s funding window. The process has been streamlined to ensure a quicker response PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Sector Learnerships
to stakeholders. Stakeholders are satisfied with the improvements. If participation rate is low, BANKSETA will engage with stakeholders to address low uptake and request permission to open a second funding window to increase participation. However, this funding window is usually oversubscribed.
TVET Work Integrated Learning Funding Window
Universities of Technology Work Integrated Funding Window
Higher Education Funding Window
Key outputs are a decrease in the shortage of skills among youth and the number of unemployed youth. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of unemployed youth gaining work place experience in the banking and alternative banking sector. Following the COVID pandemic and the hybrid models it introduced, employers are being encouraged to ensure that mentors engage at least once a week with learners who are working from home. The programmes will be impacted by the changes in legislation relating to grants. During the year, comments on Government Gazette 47926 - SETA Grant Regulations regarding monies received by a SETA and related matters were received by the BANKSETA stakeholders and submitted to DHET for a consolidated sector view.
Virtual Leadership Development Programme
The key output of this programme is managers who have increased and developed their own leadership capabilities and grown in their leadership styles. This output is of benefit to the BANKSETA’s stakeholders.
Successes during the year are:
• The first ever Virtual Leadership Development Programme; • A graduation on the 14 April 2023 for the first cohorts of this programme; and • Some minor enhancements have been made to the programme.
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