Aug-Sept 2014 K.indd

77 • AUG/SEPT 2014

DENOSA on Ebola virus

A frica was struck by another unfortunate epidemic, Ebola which threatened the health status of the all nationals in the continent. South Africa in SADC was also instrumental to play its role to have joint programmes with its counter-parts in the neighbouring countries. DENOSA organizing health workers welcomed all the initiatives to have designated hospitals for managing Ebola cases and number of personal protective equipments (PPEs). DENOSA has conducted Provincial Conferences in which the Trade Union Movement founding principle of workers control was reasserted. DENOSA has congratulated all worker leaders elected. DENOSA Gauteng also wished its Gauteng leader, Cde Thabang Sonyathi after he was elected as COSATU Gauteng Provincial Treasurers,

non-communicable diseases cases and leads to more strain in public sector healthcare spending and decrease in quality healthcare due to increase in nurse-to-patient ratios in our facilities. ‘DENOSA established the NCD project in Ma fi keng, North West where health workers at Ma fi keng Provincial Hospital embark on healthy living by exercising regularly and eating healthily, while community members embark on sport and gardening activities as a way to fi ght obesity and overweight which lead to other chronic illnesses’, said Sibongiseni Delihlazo, DENOSA Communications Manager Southern African Network of Nurses and Midwives (SANNAM) have urged SADC countries to practicalise commitments made by SADC health ministers concerning Ebola eradication.

with other Provincial Of fi ce Bearers, to serve the toiling classes in the province.

This came after leaders were deployed to various Legislatures/Parliaments across all Provinces. SA Most obese in the Sub-Saharan Meanwhile, ‘A new research paper conducted by the University of Witwatersrand which shows that more than half of the country’s adults are now overweight and obese, while 42% of women and 13% of men are obese, which occurs at the same time as the increase in sales of sugar-sweetened beverages’. DENOSA has fully supported the proposal by the Department of Health to levy impose a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) as more and more people are getting obese in the country, which gives birth to new

SATAWU participated in the 43rd World Congress

S ATAWU participated in the 43rd World Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria in the month of August 2014. The Congress was held under the Theme ‘From Global Crisis to Global Justice; Transport Workers fighting Back’. Transport Workers’ Federation hold its Congresses after four years. The International

“The mighty global economic engine has for too long been funnelling the majority of its wealth into the hands of the few and not the many. It is an engine that should benefit all of us.” said Mr Cotton. The ITF Congress was a first ever ‘full digital Congress’ held, said the Organizers in Bulgaria.

And ITF President Paddy Crumlin was re-elected unopposed, while Steve Cotton was installed as General Secretary. “We are all connected and across the globe it is transport workers who do the connecting. The mighty engine of globalized world trade – the defining symbol of our times – is powered by us: transport workers the world over.


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