Aug-Sept 2014 K.indd
AUG/SEPT 2014 •
SACTWU national wage strike
T he cotton textile sector has been on a national wage strike for three weeks in July/August 2014. About 3000 members of the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) were demanding an 8.75% wage increase and a further 2.5% on peripheral rights issues,’ said Cde Andre Kriel, SACTWU General Secretary. At the time when SACTWU commenced with the strike ballot, Employers were offering a mere 7% increase. The final settlement was settled at an 8.5% wage increase,
Association) had accepted the CCMA’s Section 150 intervention offer. SACTWU acknowledged all its members for the astute standing of grounds, to fight for a living wage. Meanwhile, SACTWU has enhanced its holding of Matric Winter Schools and all stakeholders await the outcomes on the burning of the mid-night oils when results are going to be announced. All remain positive about the intervention’, said Cde Andre Kriel, SACTWU General Secretary.
backdated to 1 July 2014. The two year agreement, with a further 8.5% wage increase has been with effect from the 1st of July 2015. The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) offered a Labour Relations Act Section 150 intervention. In terms of LRA provision, the CCMA can at any stage offer to mediate in an industrial dispute which may have come to its attention. SACTWU and SACTPEA (South African Cotton Textile Processing Employers’
COSATU E-toll Campaign
T he meeting further resolved that the campaign on the E-tolls must be intensi fi ed by the Province and therefore a minimum program as follows. - We need to state that the process of the review has been an agreement by the Alliance in the Province and therefore the National Minister and SANRAL must never attempt to isolate the Premier from the rest of the alliance partners including the ANC. - We call upon the Minister of Transport to afford an opportunity to the review panel to undertake its task and also for her to respect such a process. - We further call upon the Minister to desist from counter-revolutionary comments which does not help and
and the monthly Bills and all who agree with us must join the federationin doing so. - We will organize three separate marches which would be from Ekurhuleni to Tshwane, From Tshwane to Tshwane and from JHB to Tshwane to Sanral of fi ces. - We will also organize a church service during the handover of the fi nal report 30 November 2014. - We call upon all the motorists of Gauteng not to buy the e-tags and not to pay for the bills. - The motorist should not be bullied by irregular and unlawful mini roadblocks by Sanral in the freeways.
or assist the process to resolve this immoral and draconian E-tolling system. - The meeting lso resolved to target the month of October 2014 to demand for the public transport system for the workers and the working class. - It then resolved to march on the 18th October 2014 to the Head-Of fi ce of Sanral in Tshwane. - It also resolved that all those who had bought the e-tags need to be afforded an opportunity to ban them. - We resolved that all those who have received the monthly bill should also be afforded to burn them. - We will be on a drive slow on the 18th October 2014 to burn both the E-tags
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