Governance Pillar
Progress Update
Remuneration and Compensation Remuneration policies for Board members and senior executives in relation to the objectives of the organisation and their performance.
The Board has established Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (REMCO) with the responsibility to oversee remuneration in the Group as set out in the Terms of Reference and the Delegation of Authority Framework. REMCO recommends to the Board on executive remuneration and conditions of service. The Remuneration Policy is aligned with the organisational performance and some of its objectives is to: • Support the strategic goals of the company. • Encourage a culture of high performance. • Reiterate the culture and values of the Group. Eight (8) articles on Fraud, Ethics and Fruitless Wasteful and Irregular Expenditure (FWIE) were published during the Financial Year. Awareness presentations were conducted on Fraud, Ethics and FWIE to all employees. In addition, placed fraud awareness posters at all Rand Water sites. Rand Water has a Code of Ethics Policy, Fraud and Investigations Policy and Fraud Prevention plan in place. A Prominent Influential Persons (PIP) policy and register is also in place. No cases of corruption were confirmed and investigated during the reporting period. Rand Water maintains, through an external service provider, a Hotline that can be contacted by any stakeholder to report suspicious activities. In addition, there is an Ethics line and email address that can be contacted for any ethics related concerns. ISO 45001: 2018 requirements: There were two (2) minor non conformities recorded against the requirement and none against compliance obligations. ISO 14001: 2015 requirement: For environment, there were three (3) major and five (5) minor non-conformities recorded and none against compliance obligations.
Ethical Behaviours Board members and employees, who received training or awareness on Anti-corruption policies and procedures.
Ethics, Fraud, Anti- corruption and Domestic PIP policies and procedures.
Incidents of corruption confirmed.
Internal and external grievance mechanisms (including whistle-blowing facilities) for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour.
Compliance and Risk Management Significant environmental, social and/or governance related incidents (including incidents of legal non-compliance).
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