OUR MAIN CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIES Our main customers are comprised of municipalities across Gauteng, parts of Mpumalanga, Free State and North West provinces, mines, industries and direct consumers. We have 17 municipalities, 27 mines, and 952 industries and direct consumers as our customers. Our capacity to supply is comprised of bulk water supplier mainly to municipalities, a distribution network over 3.500km of large diameter pipeline, feeding 60 strategically located service reservoirs. We supply an average of 4 520 Mℓ/d and peak day demand of 5 199 Mℓ/d. The distribution area of supply is divided into three regions (West, South and North) which are further subdivided into thirteen districts located strategically throughout the area of supply. These regions subdivisions and responsibilities for districts are as follows: North Region: Forest Hill, Germiston, Benoni and Esselen Park

South Region: Amanzimtoti, Meyerton, Barrage, Bloemendal and Brakpan West Region: Zuurbekom, Libanon, Krugersdorp, Waterval and Rustenburg ALIGNMENT TO DEVELOPMENTAL PLANS

Rand Water is committed to report and disclose Sustainability/ Environmental, Socal and Governance (ESG) related issues that will allow the organisation to manage its significant social, and environmental impacts, and to address those sustainability issues of interest to a broader range of investors and other stakeholders. It is critical to focus on how the organisation is contributing to national and global development priorities, such as South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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