Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2023
Remuneration Report
Rand Water Group Board members’ and executive earnings:
RAND WATER Figures in Rand thousand
Fees for Service as Board member
Salary Reimburse ments~
Group life
Total 2023
Total 2022
Executive Board Members Mr. S Mosai (Chief Executive)
5 515 5 515
135 135
179 179
5 829 5 829
5 155 5 155
Non‑Executive Board Members Adv. FM Hashatse (Outgoing Chairperson)^
1 212
Ms. M Mbonambi (Outgoing Deputy Chairperson)^
197 189 151
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
197 189 151
757 641 653 698 595 543 624 443 695 634
Ms. S Molokoane‑Machika^
Ms. MM Kabi^
Mr. R Monyokolo (Chairperson)
1 539
1 539
Mr. LL Makibinyane^ Mrs. NGJ Mbileni^
145 142 101 215 157 683 567 602 582 643 716 515 563 519 676 566
145 142 101 215 157 683 567 602 582 643 716 515 563 519 676 566
Mr. A Pandor^ Ms. SN Maziya^
Mr. P Phili^
Ms. M Ntsaba^
Ms. M Tonjeni (Deputy Chairperson)
- - - - - - - - - -
Mr. S Khondlo Mr. LX Ntoyi Mr. AN Mhlongo Ms. L Mashamaite Ms. Z Monnakgotla
Ms. BG Mahuma‑Madida
Mr. S Mngomezulu
Mr. G Qotywa Dr. N Qunta Ms. C Simpson
9 741
9 741
7 764
~: R eimbursements are those costs incurred by the Members during the normal course of fulfilling their roles, which are reimbursed by the Group.
^: T he term of office expired on 19 September 2022, the new Board was appointed effective 21 September 2022.
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