Below is the example of the erosion control work implemented over G21 pipeline before Installation of Gabions and Reno Mattresses. Before

• Using the sand filtration method to treat domestic greywater: This research explores the application of sand filtration as a method to treat domestic greywater, contributing to the development of efficient and eco conscious water treatment practices. Sludge Residue Management at the Vaal Barrage Catchment Area There are various point sources that discharge into the Vaal River Barrage including major treatment works as well as discharges from historical gold and coal mine workings. The salt load from defunct mines (about 180 Mℓ/d) which was being discharged from the Central and Eastern Basins via Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) neutralisation plants into the Vaal Barrage catchment area has gone down due to the decommissioning of the Eastern Basin AMD Plant. The two (2) most important water quality pollution issues to be managed in the Barrage catchment for most of the sample points are biological (in the form of faecal bacteria and protozoa) and chemical (in the form of gold mining and industrial effluent). The threat of AMD is partially mitigated through the implementation of short-to-medium term interventions by the DWS. Although the acidity and heavy metals are neutralised and removed from the water, the discharge is still highly saline, with total dissolved salts (TDS) values of more than 2500 mg/ℓ. Irrespective of the quality of such water, these discharges will over time have major effects on the overall hydrology of the catchment. The high rainfall during the summer period of 2022/23 which included flooding fortunately greatly assisted in reducing the salt load in the Vaal River Barrage reservoir. Local municipalities around the Barrage Reservoir have challenges with treating and disposing of their wastewater effluent. Interventions by the South African National Defense Force and ERWAT have had little effect. The situation is dire, with untreated sewage running in the streets in suburbs and ending up in the reservoir. Huge banks of sewage sludge have built up in the Loch Vaal area and the confluence of the Klip River and Barrage Reservoir. The Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation consequently announced a Section 63 intervention to address the situation in Emfuleni Local municipality, with Rand Water being appointed as implementing agent.


In this year, we have undertaken research projects focusing on tackling environmental and water conservation issues as we continue with the effort of protecting our natural capital “water”. The following research projects were completed: • Analysis of water use on five (5) golf courses in Gauteng (TGMA): This research delves into understanding water consumption patterns on golf courses in the Gauteng region, aiming to identify opportunities for improved water efficiency and sustainability. • Research into reducing water consumption of Kikuyu (Evergreen and UNISA): Focused on Kikuyu grass, this project aims to develop innovative approaches to reduce water usage for irrigation while maintaining healthy turf quality. • Treating and collecting water runoff with constructed wetlands at Thembalami Care Centre: Focused on the Thembalami Care Centre, this study investigates the use of constructed wetlands to treat and collect water runoff, providing valuable insights into eco-friendly water management solutions.


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