undertaken. The following projects were implemented in this year: » Horticultural maintenance implemented on 267 ha; this includes the creation of firebreaks on pipe storage areas. » 8 032m 3 of reno-mattresses/ gabions, grass blocks and pipe encasement were installed to reinstate a footprint of approximately 11 944 m 2 . » 89 190m 2 was revegetated. » 220m of security razor wire fence line at Driefontein has been erected. » A sink hole measuring 65m 3 was backfilled on the pipeline at Libabon. Below is some of the rehabilitation work done in 2022/23 Financial Year. Before After
L7 & K10 pipelines pipe protection using grass blocks to protect against road grading damage at Springs Environment and Sustainable Development Initiatives Erosion control on land that occurs over and adjacent to Rand Water properties, reservoirs, and pipelines was monitored, maintained and re-established to provide a sustainable ecosystem. Each year, we review all the erosion cases that are reported either by the District Inspector or identified by the Environmentalist rehabilitation through servitude inspection. The soil erosion is identified and measured based on the severity of the impact that it has on the Rand Water’s servitude. The erosion cases are caused by either of the following: • Traffic or people (TR): this relating to movement of vehicles and people across the Rand Water servitude. That creates a preferred path of water, hence scouring and soil loss. • Poor construction reinstatement (PCR): this relates to issues like poor backfilling after construction, unlevelled areas, and inadequate encasing of pipes. • Poor rehabilitation (PR): refers to areas where there was previously poor, or no rehabilitation done after construction. • Sinkholes (SI): refers to ground subsidence or collapses. This can be in dolomitic areas or old mining areas. • Overflow (OF): refers to soil erosion caused by flows of water from reservoirs. • River Crossing (RC), Wetlands (W): refers to erosion occurring on pipeline across rivers, wetlands or drainage line. • Storm Water (STM): refers to soil erosion cases caused by storm water. • Scouring (SC): refers to soil erosion relating to the scouring activities of pipelines. The graph below shows the percentages of solved soil erosion cases during the year under review. 20% were caused by storm water (STM), 10% River crossings (RC), 20% scouring (SC), 10% poor construction reinstatement (PCR), 20% traffic (TR) and 20% overflow (OF).
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