BULK SANITATION PROJECTS (SECONDARY ACTIVITIES) Ageing Infrastructure, sewage spillages into the Vaal River, and demand that exceeds the design capacity of the wastewater treatment capacity in the Sedibeng Region have necessitated the implementation of the Sedibeng Regional Sewer Scheme Project for both Midvaal and Emfuleni Local Municipalities. The objectives of the projects include the delivery of an effective solution that will eradicate pollution in the Vaal River and its tributaries and eradication of water and sanitation service delivery challenges, inhibiting both social and economic development in the region. Thus, the project aims to optimise the sanitation infrastructure within the Sedibeng Region as it is old, resulting in high maintenance costs and performance failures, align the design capacity of all Wastewater Treatment Works to the demand, and unlock 37 000 hectares of developable land previously constrained by the lack of bulk sanitation infrastructure. The following

projects are being implemented. Table 12: Bulk Sanitation Projects Project name

Refurbishment of Pump Station 9

Contract Description:

The scope of work entails refurbishing the mechanical and electrical equipment, the emergency dam, the structural and building works including the access and safety equipment, and the civil works which include the driveway paving and fencing.

Project Progress

The overall project progress is 78.75 %.

Project name

Refurbishment of Pump Station 8

Contract Description:

A brief description of the different components of the works in the Contract is: • Design, Fabricate, and install a temporary pumping system. • Refurbishment of mechanical components. • Refurbishment of electrical components. • Refurbishment of civil structures. • Installation of standby generator. • Installation of remote monitoring system. • Construction of new guardhouse. • Refurbishment of existing fence and installation of new fence. • Refurbishment of the emergency dam including lining. • Paving and construction of stormwater system. • Operations and maintenance of the system. The overall project progress is 95% with a completion date of 31 August 2023.

Project Progress

Project name

Gravity Main to Pump Station 2

Contract Description:

Construction of a 1.3km long gravity main consisting of a 1 040m long 710mm diameter HDPE pipe section and a 260m long 900mm diameter HDPE lined concrete pipe section.

Construction of various manholes.

Construction of a new stilling chamber at the start of the pipeline.

Tie-in into existing Pump Station 2.

Project Progress

The project progress as reported end of June 2023 is 51 % completed.


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