Rand Water is required to provide an update on the annual projected demands for the operating period from May to April of each year. For the 2022/23 operating year, the high scenario of 1870 Mm³ per annum was provided, whilst the low scenario remained on 1600 Mm³ per annum. The low scenario is in terms of the sustainable yield of the IVRS 1 and would require additional water use efficiency from Rand Water and its customers. The programme to improve water use efficiency that has been implemented by Rand Water to achieve the abstraction limit is referred to as Project 1600, which is also referenced as the low water requirement scenario. Table 9: Rand Water’s Long-Term Water Requirements RAND WATER’S WATER REQUIREMENTS 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Rand Water (1) in Mm³/annum 1683 1713 1744 1775 1807 1838 1870 1903 1936 1965 1995 2025 2055 2086 2113 2141 2168 2197 2225 Rand Water (2) in Mm³/annum 1580 1600 1675 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1624 1648 1673 1698 1724 1746 1769 1792 1815 1839 Notes: Rand Water (1) = Rand Water’s raw water requirements for potable water production (i.e., excluding authorised users) for Scenario 1

1 An abstraction limit of 1600 million cubic meters per annum is reported as the current sustainable yield of the IVRS and volumes in excess of this the Department cannot maintain the required assurance of supply as indicated in the response letter dated, 29 November 2012

Rand Water (2) = Rand Water’s raw water requirements for potable water production (i.e., excluding authorised users) for Scenario 2, which includes water demand management

112 Long-term Projected Demand from the Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS)

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