ABOUT US Fasset, the Sector Education and Training Authority SETA for the Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services sector is a schedule 3A public entity reporting to the Minister of the Department of Higher Education Science and Technology (DHEST), Dr Blade Nzimande as its Executive Authority. We are accountable to Parliament and are subject to the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. We engage with a broad range of stakeholders to fulfil our mandate, which requires us to uphold principles of good governance to make a meaningful contribution in skills development for the benefit of the FASSET sector and the country. We

are currently licensed until 31 March 2030 in line with the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP).

The NSDP seeks to ensure that South Africa has adequate, appropriate and high-quality skills that contribute towards economic growth, employment creation and social development. The plan derives from the broader plan of government, namely the National Development Plan, which aims to put in place the framework of building the capabilities of our citizens to make our future work. The NSDP outlines the scope of the SETA’s and crucially highlights the institutional arrangements of the SETA’s.

Figure 1: Strategic Overview

Strategic Overview


To facilitate the achievement of world-class finance and accountancy skills.

OUR MISSION Increase the flow of new finance and accounting services entrants to employment; develop and grow skills required in the sector and facilitate the transformation of the finance and accounting services sector.





Our values are shared and articulate what we collectively stand for, what we value as an organisation and inform how we interact with our stakeholders.

FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21


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